Le Scrunchie
In the 90’s a girl couldn’t live without her scrunchie. Well, guess what? That trend from my childhood is emerging. I pinky promised with girlfriends that I would never go down that road again. After that trend died, we mainly used them for a while to pull our hair back to wash our face or put on makeup or a workout. It was totally a hair accessory that we scoffed at if worn out in real life.
But actually, the styling I’m seeing on Pinterest, Instagram and street style blogs, updates that horrible little ring of fabric...in a very modern and kinda cool way. The new scrunchies are in soft velvet and silks with pretty patterns. Some have faux fur or leather. You can buy them at some of your favorite fashion hot spots like H&M, Zara, Mango, Anthropologie. Even Nordstrom’s is carrying them now.
Here are some of my favorite new ways to wear a scrunchie...
The top knot:
Y’all know I love a good top knot. It’s definitely a go to when you gotta hustle out the door on a busy morning. Throwing a scrunchie in the mix gives it a mini update. If that is all you are using ( no hidden bobbies or pony holders) it may even be a less damaging choice. For us girls with (ahem) a little more fragile hair, this may be a god send.
The half up with a baby top knot:
Remember what I just said about top knots? This is for those days when you like your hair down but need it out of your face. Add the scrunchie and slay... ( I can’t believe I just said that...)
Bored with yet another old favorite? Slap on that scrunchie, girl! Mix it up with a little braid.